
Showing posts from September, 2019


       ICT Domain Performance Indicator Most important me to Do Performance Indicator Least important me to Do Domain 1: Understanding ICT in Education Discuss national ICT policies affecting classroom practices. Incorporate ICT policies in the design and implementation of teaching learning activities. Domain 2: Curriculum and Assessment Discuss ICT concepts and principle and theories in various teaching-learning processes. Integrate ICT in teaching plans that require learners to connect the content of the lesson to society. Domain 3: Pedagogy Assist students to reflect by their own learning using technology tools. Initiate flexible learning through online communications (synchronous/asynchronous modality) Domain 4:Technology Tools Make technology tools-based instructional materials to improve student l

Lesson 1: ICT Competency Standards for Philippine Pre-Service Teacher Education

Lesson 1: ICT Competency Standards for Philippine Pre-Service Teacher Education I learned that ICT Competency Standards for Pre-Service Teacher is the same with NCBTS that has its own domains. I’ve learned some ICT polices that may affect in teaching environment.  In domain 2, which entitled curriculum and assessment that develops digital learning resources to enhance teaching learning. In domain 3, entitled pedagogy that will applied to relevant technology tools for classroom activities. In domain 4, technology tools creates new learning opportunities to support community of learners. In domain 5, which entitled organization and administration that technology may assist instruct that helps in an inclusive classroom environment. In domain 6, entitled teacher professional learning that as a future teacher we should know how to operate or use some kinds of technology that we may use just like projector and laptop. And also it may involves collaborating peers to acquire additional