Lesson 1: ICT Competency Standards for Philippine Pre-Service Teacher Education

Lesson 1: ICT Competency Standards for Philippine Pre-Service Teacher Education

I learned that ICT Competency Standards for Pre-Service Teacher is the same with NCBTS that has its own domains. I’ve learned some ICT polices that may affect in teaching environment.  In domain 2, which entitled curriculum and assessment that develops digital learning resources to enhance teaching learning. In domain 3, entitled pedagogy that will applied to relevant technology tools for classroom activities. In domain 4, technology tools creates new learning opportunities to support community of learners. In domain 5, which entitled organization and administration that technology may assist instruct that helps in an inclusive classroom environment. In domain 6, entitled teacher professional learning that as a future teacher we should know how to operate or use some kinds of technology that we may use just like projector and laptop. And also it may involves collaborating peers to acquire additional content in support of professional learning. Last domain entitled teacher disposition that teacher must show a positive attitude and behavior towards the use of technology tools.
I learned that ISTE stands for International Society for Technology in Education and NETS stands for National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers that has 6 standards. The first one is Technology Operations and Concepts meaning, the teacher must know how to use technology and explain its concepts. Next one is Planning and Designing Learning Environment and Experiences meaning, the teacher must impose variety of strategies or must have a plan on how to catch the attention of his/her students through the use of technology. Standard 3 stands for Teaching, Learning and Curriculum explains that the teacher must imply strategies to maximize student learning through the use of technology. Standard 4 entitled Assessment and Evaluation explains that teacher may assist and evaluate the learning of the student through the use of technology. Standard 5 stands for Productivity and Professional Practice that teachers may use technology to engage in on-going professional development that may increase productivity and to build community of the learners. Last standard is Social, Ethical, Legal and Human Issues that explains the teacher must be aware to his/her student’s background.
After the discussion I felt that being an educated in technology is so much better than aware. Aware means having a little knowledge or perception of something. We should explore more in the world of technology because we’re now living in the 21st century that technology had been introduced. As a future teacher I should imply a variety of strategies to become more effective and efficient teacher someday and also to impart the learning of the students.
I developed that as a future educator I should strive more to learn about technology. Because technology can be a strong vehicle to help teachers to bringing out creative values from the students.


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